Aurangzeb Alamgir once went to Hazrat Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A) Majar Sharif(Shrine) where he saw inside the boundary a blind beggar was praying to Khwaja Baba for his sight.Aurangzeb Alamgir asked the beggar that, how long he has been asking for the sight ? The beggar replied that it has been ages but I still can't get my sight back.Aurangzeb Alamgir said that after paying homage to Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A) Majar Sharif he shall return, if you get your sight back, it was ok, otherwise he will take his life. After saying this Aurangzeb Alamgir went to pay his respect and told there guard to watch the beggar.On the other side the beggar crying hard and requesting to Khawja Baba on his pray "Ya Khawja! at first it was only for the sight but now it's up to my life, if your mercy not upon me then I will be killed". After paying homage the King return, he saw that the beggar eyes had acquired the vision. The king smiled and said to the beggar that up to now you praying without devoting heart and concentration, so your wish did not fulfil. When it's come to your life you pray from your heart, hence your wish fulfil.
Ana-Sagar Lake in Ajmer |
At once Raja Prithiviraj Chauhan's soldiers refused the followers of Khawja Sahab to have water from the Ana-Sagar Lake in Ajmer. When Khawja Sahab noticed this incident he told his follower to fetch some water in a Mashkiza(a bag for carrying water) from the Ana-Sagar Lake. When the follower filled the Mashkiza, the water of the whole Lake mysteriously dried out. This incident caused an unprecedented awe to the people in the city.
Once there was a cruel ruler in Ajmer Sharif who hanged an innocent person without any reason . And the ruler sent the message to his mother, to come and take away the body of her son. When his mother heard this she was broken out of tears and instead of going to her son she went to Sarkar Gharib Nawaz Hasan Sanjari(the Noble shelter of the helpless people) and explain her unjust story. "Ah! My son has been snatched
away, he is my only support, my house has been destroyed, the cruel ruler hanged my son without any guilt and send the message to take the body of my son. After hearing this Garib Nawaz become very angry and said, take me near the body of her son, hence He along with her came near the dead body of her son and pointed towards it and said, "O dead person! if the ruler of the time has hanged you unjustly then by the order of Allah stand up. As Garib Nawaz said this the life has been came to the dead body and he stood up. Dear Islamic Brothers! this proof that the Satan does not give the evil suggestion that to give death and life, it is only the work of Allah, but how can any one do this? The question arise then the replay to this question is that no doubt Allah is the only one to do this but Allah can by his great power to give the right s to whome he wants. Listen giving life to non-living is the work of Allah but he can give the rights to other whome He can choose.
Hence it states in the Holy Qur'an:
That I make a form out of clay like a bird for you than blow my breath in it and it becomes a bird at once by the command of Allah.
Khwaja Garib Nawaz went to attend the funeral of one of his disciple. At the end of funeral process He get down in to the grave with his hands. All the person who came to the funeral after performing the funeral prayers almost every left except Khwaja Garib Nawaz.
Hazarat Sayyed-e-na Bakhtiyar Kaaki says only Khwaja Garib Nawaz sitting on his grave, suddenly He looks sad. After sometime he spoke(all praise be to Allah) and feel satisfied. When Hazrat Sayyed-e-na Bakhtiyar Kaaki ask the reason, He said that the angels of punishment came to the grave on which He became worried. At the same time Khwaja Garib Nawazs mentor hazrat Sayyed-e-na Khwaja Usman Harooni come to recommend for his disciple in front of the angels, 'O angels! This person is disciple of my disciple, Moinuddin leave him. The angels replied that he was a big sinner. Meanwhile this conversation was going on that a voice was heard saying,
"O angels we have forgiven this disciple of Khwaja Garib Nawaz for the sake of Usman Harooni". To all Islamic Brothers! From this incident we learn a lession that we should become a disciple of some perfect mentor, since because of him we can overcome easily from the punishment of the grave.
When Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti(R.A) was sitting near Ana-Sagar Lake of Ajmer He saw a shepherd boy crossing with a herd of young cows. The cows he carring with him was all immature(very young to give milk).
Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti(R.A) asked for some milk to the boy from one of the young cow. The boy replied as a joke! Baba, all the cows are so young, how they have milk on there teats. Khwaja sahib smiled, and pointed towards one of the young cow and said ''I would like to drink the milk of the cow, go and milk her''.
The boy was surprised and hasitedly move towards the cow. When he was trying take milk from the cow, he saw the teats of the cow was completely developed and over-flowing with milk. The boy managed several container with milk from which forty person will drink with full satisfaction. After this incident the boy was very much impressed and he become disciple of Khawja Moinuddin Chisti(R.A).
Disciple of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti(R.A) one day came to him and explain about his miserable life. The governor of the city make his life difficult, he has been suffering a lot by the Governor. at the end the Governor has ordered him to live the city. he explain all of his stories to Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A). In replied Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti(R.A) said that "But where is he now? he has no more alive, Allha already punished him. The Governor of the city pass away due to a fall from his horse when he was hunting, the disciple heard this news when he came back to his home.
One of the most outstanding Miracle(Mojizah) of Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A) was to travel to the subcontinent and spread the true message of Islam to the people of the city. This message was officially by the Blessed & Noble Mohammad(S.W.A). Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A) converted millions of mushriks, idol-worshippers, bhut pujaris, all of them surrender themselves to the One Almighty Lord and the creator of the worlds, by the blessing of Mohammad(S.W.A). This Miracle(Mojizah) take place without accepting other faith.
Once a person come to Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A) and wanted to say that he was eager to pay homage to him on that day. "here I am, but first fulfil your word that why you here" Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A) replied. The man start to worry with the idea that his plan was out before he could react and he accept his guilty and great apologies. The fact was, this man hire by the enemy of Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A). He come with the attention of taking the life of Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A). By his intuitive power this fact has been known by Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A). After this the man prayed for pardon to Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A) Who forgave him gracefully. Then the man embraced Islam and for the rest of his life he become disciple of Khwaja Garib Nawaz(R.A).
(i) According to Hazrat qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki(R.A), he never noticed Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti(R.A) become angry with others as long he stay with him. Once I, Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti(R.A) and Shaikh Ali we were going out, suddenly a strangers start abusing Shaikh Ali with holding his clothe. Khwaja Sahab ask the reason for his misbehaviour, he replied that Shaikh Ali is debtor for long time and repaying the amount. Khawja Sahab said to leave him, he will repay his amount later. But the man didn't agree, then Khwaja Sahab spread His shawl on the ground and asked the man to take his dues but not more than the limit. Instead of Khwaja Sahab word the man took excess amount from the shawl, as he do so his hand dried up. Now he start crying of pain and asked for mercy. Khwaja Sahab forgive him and his hand return to normal as early. Immediately the man become disciple of Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti(R.A).
(ii) At once Khwaja Sahab was passing from jungle, some atheist dacoits came in His way and start snatching all the belonging of the travellers, if they noticed Muslim they kill as well. But when they face Khwaja Sahab, there a miracle(mojizah) took place. All the dacoits who were busy in looting & killing other people, they all started trembling with fear. All the dacoits fall on the feet of Khwaja Sahab and start saying
"we all yours slave, be kind with us". Khwaja Sahab gracefully welcome all of them to accept Islam.
(iii) We heard that during the period when Khwaja Sahab stay in Ajmer, all the people who went for Haj and when they returned back they start saying that they have seen Khwaja Sahab circumambulating the Khana-e-Kaaba. But the fact was Khwaja Sahab never went for Haj after His stay in Ajmer.
(iv) At once there was the gathering of saints. All of them agreed to show there miracle(mojizah). Thus Khwaja Usman Harooni(R.A) move around his musallah and took out some gold. Then Shaik Ohuddin Kirmani(R.A) touched a piece of wood which turn to gold. After insisted of Khwaja Usman Harooni(R.A) to Khwaja Gharib Nawaz(R.A), He realised one of the person among the gathering was hungry but could not express others. Thus Khwaja Sahab put four barley Rotis in front of that person.